Things to Consider about Telecommunications Taxes Telecommunications taxes typically comprise, 9-13+ percent of your telecom billing total, depending on your location. The telecom taxes are usually calculated and collected by each telecom provider or ServiceProvider (Phone Company). It’s your corporate responsibility to look into your telecom bills. Your business needs to be sure you aren’t being overbilled for any telecommunication taxes . You need to be certain that you are claiming all of your exemptions and not just the common exemptions. You should be receiving all tax exemptions that are available to you. And there are quite a few of them. Non-profit organizations, claiming refunds as part of class action settlement awards, tax exempt inbound calling in some states, tax exempt data usage, Enterprise Zone Exemptions, etc. We work on our competitor’s tax billings and we can work on yours. Understanding 911 fees and FUSF also known as Federal Universal Service Fun...