Are your telecom taxes right, or are you paying way too much? In almost every instance when t elecommunications billing is reviewed by a corporate department, be it the IT department, or Accounts Payable, the taxes and fees portion of the billing is completely ignored because they are assumed to be correct. After all, these are local tax, state tax and federal tax charges, and they are certainly correct, right? Wrong. There are over 55,000 taxing jurisdictions in the United States, all trying to get their piece of the pie, and your telecom billing is part of that pie. These taxes and fees make up a significant portion of the billing amount that you pay every month, typically nine to fourteen percent, but with the boom in wireless communications , new ways of taxing wireless services have proliferated and, in some areas, have reached a previously unheard-of 40% of the bill total. Telecom providers generate the billing which includes the 911 , USF , Access Ch...